Paul R. Maxfield, JD, MBA, BSBM

Attorney Paul R. Maxfield holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management from the University of Phoenix (2004), as well as a Juris Doctor Degree from the J. Reuben Clark Law School at BYU (2010), and a Masters in Business Administration from Western Governors University (2015).

Paul practices law emphasizing estate planning.  As an attorney Paul has drafted numerous estate planning documents, including:

Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Healthcare Directives, Gun Trusts, Irrevocable Trusts, Asset Protection Trusts, Guardianship Designations, and more;

Attorney Paul R. Maxfield

Drafted many contracts including Leases, Trust Deeds/Notes, Operating Agreements, Non-Compete/None-Disclosure Agreements, Employment Agreements, Business Contracts, Operating Agreements, By-Laws, Real Estate Purchase Contracts, etc.;

Represented multiple businesses in legal proceedings, negotiations, and other adverse situations including: Contract Disputes, Negotiating Deals, Employment Law Disputes, FDCPA and FCRA Claims, and Trademark Disputes; and Assisted businesses in Regulatory Compliance.

Paul served as the 2015 President of the Utah Valley Estate Planning Council, an organization of professionals who provide services relating to Estate Planning. Paul was also a licensed instructor for real estate licensee continuing education classes teaching on topics such as Estate Planning, Business Organizations, and 1031 Exchanges.

Previous Experience:

Prior to becoming a lawyer, Paul experienced several business positions over the course of nearly 20 years which consisted primarily of management/leadership as well as accounting/bookkeeping positions. Paul also served as CFO and Compliance Officer for a logistics company.

Paul held a real estate sales license in the State of Utah. He succeeded at real estate investing even during the market downturn.

Community Service, Political Involvement, and Other Activities:

Paul has served several volunteer positions including as President of the NWA School Land Trust Committee, Precinct Chair, Precinct Vice-Chair, County Delegate, Missionary, member of a committee to elect a candidate to the Utah State Legislature, Vice President of the Real Estate Law Club in law school, Boy Scout Leader and he currently serves as a Sunday School Teacher.

Other Interests:

Paul’s passions and hobbies include his family, religion, politics and investing. First and foremost is family and religion, which go hand in hand. Politics is something that both excites and drives him crazy at the same time. Real Estate investing is his recreation. Paul loves to go on walks, drives, and bike rides with his family around town.

To see what Paul Maxfield can do for your estate planning needs, call Maxfield Law today: (385) 298-0700